Introducing Hubro’s Editorial Board
We want to make it as easy as possible to bring Hubro into your classroom. By working with subject matter experts we’re creating ready-to-use templates and content for your curriculum.
Why an editorial board?
We want to minimize the time you spend getting Hubro ready for your classroom. That’s what we want to achieve. We know that our simulations benefit students by engaging them and providing a practical learning environment.
The best way to do this is to create curriculum-focused content and simulation templates. Within the simulation platform you will have access to additional exercises and resources that have been created and certified by the members of the Editorial Board.
This content will be curriculum specific. So whether you teach IB, A-Level or GCSE - you will find exercises and templates that are ready for whichever unit you are teaching.
Who is involved?
We asked teachers from schools around the world to join our editorial board. Some have used Hubro for years, some are new but all understand the benefits of game-based learning.
We understand the importance of having contributors that are experts in their field and who are actively teaching in the classroom. The teachers in the editorial board are active teachers who truly understand what works in Hubro.
This also means that we can make Hubro a direct fit into your curriculum.
So here they are...
Birthe Fennefoss
Kristiansand Cathedral School, Norway
MBA/Teacher at Kristiansand Cathedral School Gimle (KKG). KKG is a public high school serving approximately 1500 diverse students. Birthe teaches Business Management, Mathematics and IB Economics, and has used Hubro simulations for many years.
Chris Yeager
Bogaerts International School, Brussels
Chris Yeager teaches Business Management and Economics as part of the International Baccalaureate program at the Bogaerts International School in Brussels, Belgium. Prior to teaching Chris worked for more than 20 years as a marketing consultant for The Nielsen Company serving clients on price, promotion and media strategy in Europe and North America.
Nathan Kimmons
Lanna International School, Thailand
BBA Marketing, PGCE Secondary Education, Head of Humanities & Cambridge A-level Business Teacher at Lanna International School Thailand.
What next?
The board is making the first piece of content as discussions are well underway.
Content will be categorised based on curriculum, unit, and year group. The members have expertise in IB, GCSE and A-Level and all work at various levels.
The collection of exercises gives new and existing users of Hubro Simulations the opportunity to customise their needs when covering essential topics.
Hubro already covers all of the topics in these curriculums. But the additional specific exercises and ready to go templates will make it easier to use Hubro in your class.
Look for announcements coming soon about curriculum content!
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