Frequently asked questions about Hubro's move to Sage

Picture of Emil Johan Oliver
Emil Johan Oliver
Associate Director of Business Simulations
Hubro Simulations – a Sage resource

Content and access issues

Do I need to change anything to access my Hubro account?

No, everything remains the same. Your access to Hubro’s simulations still goes via or

Will there be any change to the content or branding as a result?

Hubro Education will continue to offer all its current simulations. For future development, the acquisition by Sage provides Hubro with new opportunities to develop innovative and engaging learningd resources. The Hubro Education brand remains for the time being.

Will this change how I purchase licenses for Hubro’s simulations?

For the time being, Hubro Education remains the main channel to purchase licenses for our products. Secondary schools will be redirected to our exclusive secondary education partner Emplo AS, you can contact them by email.


License and billing issues

What does the transfer mean for my current license agreement?

Your current license is still with Hubro Education. For customers in secondary education, your agreement will be transferred to Emplo AS effective 1st August. For more details see the point below. For customers that purchased licenses via HBPE, your license is still with HBPE. The terms remain the same. 

My next installment is due soon. Do we need to take any action?

No, Sage will be invoicing your institution on the schedule you've previously agreed for your license.

We are due to start using a license for Hubro’s simulations. Will we need to resubmit new paperwork to our legal department?

No, your agreement remains with Hubro Education.

What are Sage’s bank details?

Your Hubro Education contact can provide these to you. They will either way be provided with your next invoice.


Contacts and communication

Will my day-to-day contacts change?

No, except for our customers in secondary education. If your secondary school is a customer of Hubro Education, you will be contacted shortly by Merville Mouho or Benjamin Ryan at Emplo, our new exclusive partner for secondary education institutions.

Will your contact details (e.g. email address, telephone number) change?

No, all our representatives will keep email addresses.

Will your data and privacy policies change?

Hubro Education’s privacy policy remains the same for the time being. Customers will be notified if the policies are amended.


Technical support

Who do I contact for technical support?

You can continue to use the in-simulation chat for support.


Press release

You can read the official press release here.

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