Try Hubro Marketing Simulation for free
Hubro Marketing Simulation lets your students experiment with how marketing decisions impact its position in the market. It is an online simulation game for courses like principles of marketing, marketing management, marketing strategy and even entrepreneurship.
See how a simulation is run in practice in this video
Trusted by educators and professionals
Businesses, universities and schools on five continents use our business simulations to give learners practical business experience. Educators can create engaging learning experiences both physically and online that meet your specific learning needs.
Over 1 thousand
Businesses, Universities and Schools
Over 50 thousand
Users on the platform
«Hubro has improved the students’ understanding of the complexities of marketing a great deal. The average grade in the course has increased by an entire grade after we started using Hubro.»

Line Kristoffersen
Professor of marketing
Oslo Metropolitan University
«We chose Hubro because they really understood our learning needs and how we wanted to achieve them. I could not be more pleased with our collaboration and the outcome that we got from them.»

Nick Miller
President and Founder
Clarity Advantage Corporation
«The simulation gave me hands-on experience that I couldn’t have gotten in any other way so early in my career.»

Daniel Jedmo
Jönköping International Business School