Our third-party providers for our simulation platform

We only list the providers involved with our simulation platform that interface with user data. The rest of our proviers either forward data in an encrypted state, or only handles anonymous usage data.

  • Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL ("AWS Europe")

    Hosts Hubro Simulations's game servers and databases. We utilize AWS servers located in Frankfurt, Germany.

    Personal information should never leaves the confines of the EU. A data processing agreement is in place utilizing EU's standard contractual clauses for other information transferred.

  • Stripe Inc.

    Handles payments by credit card from players, or organizations payng by credit card. A data processing agreement is in place utilizing EU's standard contractual clauses for the payment information and email address involved in the payments made. Only students who pay for the simulation license themselves will have their data stored with Stripe. For institution payments, no data is stored with Stripe.

  • Google

    Google Gmail handles email and the data contained within.

  • Hubspot

    Hubspot handles user-provided data for instructors who register on the platform or website, for the purposes of following up requests.